Men Services Illustration


Maximize and maintain your healthy, natural good looks with Dr. Coutts’ expert medical touch and artistic eye.


Cosmetic Injectables

Neuromuscular Modulators (Botox®) which are an excellent product for softening lines and reducing overactive muscle tension in the face and neck areas. Learn More

Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Laser treatment offers a wide variety of solutions for a number of skin issues including acne scars, stretch marks, age spots, skin laxity and textural changes. Learn More


Restore fullness and lustre to your hair and lashes with several treatment options including PRP, laser, prescriptive medications etc. Learn More


An excellent and safe procedure using your own serum to restore and rejuvenate your skin and hair. Learn More

Laser Hair Removal

These products stimulate the body’s own collagen production to restore volume both immediately and over the long haul for a natural look. They are excellent for the jaw line, cheeks and chin areas. Learn More


Professional Makeup

Men’s makeup that achieves the subtle look you want with a master’s touch.

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