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03 Nov, 2022
Learn everything you need to know about eyelash extensions, from the different types available, to how they’re applied and how to take care of your lashes.
04 Oct, 2022
Find out the truth about laser hair removal. In this blog post, we debunk common misconceptions about the treatment.
06 Sep, 2022
Transform Your Body With Evolve
03 Aug, 2022
In the med spa industry, lasers are an effective tool for achieving significant results. Used in hair removal, varicose vein treatment, skin tightening, and more, lasers target specific concerns and stimulate the body’s healing processes. Fractional resurfacing , one of the best anti-aging treatments available, uses lasers to revitalize the skin. From acne scars and sun spots to loose skin and wrinkles, fractional lasers can solve common skincare problems and create a more youthful glow. Below, we break down everything you need to know about fractional resurfacing. What is Laser Skin Resurfacing (Fractional Resurfacing) and How Does it Work? Laser skin resurfacing, also known as fractional resurfacing, is a cosmetic procedure that uses lasers to reduce the appearance of scars, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and signs of aging. During this treatment, a special type of laser known as a fractional laser is used to direct concentrated pulses of light to the skin. The laser light penetrates each layer of skin, blasting away skin texture irregularities and dark spots as the light rays make their way through the tissue. The laser removes the upper epidermis layer to reveal the smoother skin underneath. The lower dermis layer is heated from within to stimulate new collagen production. This, in turn, leads to smoother, tighter, and more toned skin. Who is a Good Candidate? Fractional resurfacing is safe for most individuals, but you should consult with your doctor or healthcare provider before any cosmetic procedure. The treatment is unsuitable for those with certain skin types and individuals with infections or chronic skin conditions. A good candidate is a healthy individual who wants to revitalize their skin and correct irregularities. If you have acne scars or want to treat signs of aging, fractional resurfacing is an ideal and effective option. Benefits and Risks Benefits of laser skin resurfacing include: significant reduction of fine lines and wrinkles smooths out acne scarring and bumpy skin texture fades dark spots and sun damage fractional lasers use ultra-slim columns of light, thereby injuring the skin less than other lasers non-invasive procedure with minimal downtime Risks of the treatment include: scarring hyperpigmentation excessive swelling milia (small bumps on the skin) reactivation of viral infections, like cold sores What to Expect From the Procedure When you first arrive at your fractional resurfacing appointment, you’ll be led to a private room where a licensed technician will perform the treatment. The first step includes applying a local anesthetic numbing cream to ensure your comfort during the procedure. You can expect appointments to last between 30 minutes and 2 hours depending on whether you are targeting a specific area or several spots. Aftercare, Recovery, and Results Following the treatment, a dressing will be applied for 24 hours to soothe the area and promote skin healing. It is also recommended that you wash the skin with a saline solution 4-5 times per day until the area heals. You must also avoid applying products to the treated area (excluding medically-approved ointments). Keeping the skin moisturized with the proper aftercare products ensures scabs won’t form. The skin should heal within 1-3 weeks, depending on the extent of your treatment. Once completely healed, you will notice a more youthful and bright appearance. Talk to a Skintique Expert Today! Ready to rejuvenate your skin and feel better about your appearance? Book a consultation today with one of Skintique’s highly trained skin experts. We use the latest technology and products to help you achieve your skin goals. Call us at 647-554-2052 or reach us via our online form . We look forward to helping you feel great in your skin!
07 Jul, 2022
Female rejuvenation is easier than ever thanks to Votiva, a non-surgical option for vaginal tightening and vagina rejuvenation. Whether or not you have experienced vaginal childbirth or are simply in your ‘later years’, vaginal relaxation can be problematic. Female rejuvenation with Votiva may be just what you need to improve your confidence and sexual function. Keep reading to learn more about this treatment. Benefits of Votiva Votiva is a non-surgical option for vaginal tightening that can help target feminine health and intimacy challenges. With age, there are many biological changes that can change the appearance and health of your vagina, and surrounding tissue. These natural changes that all women go through can lead to sexual dysfunction or discomfort, a weakened pelvic floor that can result in bladder issues, loss of sensitivity, and dryness. For your mental, physical, and sexual wellbeing, Votiva vagina rejuvenation is available at Skintique. The treatment assists in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles which can elevate both your and your partner's sexual experiences. There is also evidence of improvements in the external cosmetic appearance and vaginal dryness. During the process, you will experience a warm sensation in and around the area, however, this will decrease as the day progresses. With Votiva, you can expect little to no downtime after a vagina rejuvenation. How Votiva works Votiva relies on radiofrequency technology that can be used on the vaginal wall as well as the labia. This radio-frequency energy gently heats the internal and external tissue encouraging your body to produce new collagen. This is a great treatment option as it is FDA-approved for the therapeutic treatment of sexual dysfunction and works to tighten the pelvic floor muscles for added benefits. It’s also a phenomenal alternative to the only previously available option: surgery for vaginal tightening. Who is it for? Votiva helps with issues and concerns that you may have around your physical, aesthetic, and sexual health. Many women choose this treatment after giving birth vaginally to strengthen the vaginal walls, tissue, and muscles within the area. This treatment is also an excellent option for any woman looking to improve the external appearance of her vagina. When will results be visible? Women typically report seeing results as early as right after their first treatment. The aesthetic results maintain their appearance for approximately one year. You will continue to see the full effect of the Votiva treatment up to a few days after your treatment. It is recommended to book annual follow-up appointments. Get rejuvenated today! If you are looking to improve the aesthetics of your pelvic area and experience the benefits of tightening without having to do Kegels every single day, Votiva is a great treatment for you. At Skintique we have helped many women feel confident and improve their physical and sexual health thanks to Votiva. To learn more or to get your rejuvenation, book your appointment online or call us at 647-554-2052.
24 Jun, 2022
Evolve Trim, Tite, and Tone are non-invasive and non-surgical treatments that use radiofrequency (RF) energy at a cellular level to destroy fatty cells, tighten skin tissue, and rejuvenate your skin. Delivering effective results without any painful or potentially difficult surgeries, Evolve, Trim, Tite, and Tone have become increasingly popular in recent years. In this article, we'll discuss some of the key points around this innovative process and help you decide if it's right for you. How Do Evolve Trim, Tite, and Tone Body Contouring Work? What is body contouring, you might ask? In short, it's a process designed to tone and reshape an area of the body you might want to improve or just be unhappy with. While many different treatment types exist, Evolve Trim, Tite, and Tone are often considered the gold standard for several reasons. The main reason is that this treatment effectively treats stubborn fat and skin laxity without the need for painful procedures, or surgery. Instead, the process works by using RF technology to stimulate collagen production in your body, while also distributing heat to the skin and underlying fat. When these tissues heat up they can then be smoothed out using a dedicated tool. Fully FDA-approved, Evolve treatments permanently kill fat cells, improve the appearance of cellulite, and tighten loose skin. They also stimulate your muscles, helping them become more toned and firm. What Does Evolve Trim, Tite, and Tone Treat? Evolve Trim, Tite, and Tone is effective for a wide variety of body contouring applications. Most commonly it is used to reshape areas of the body where stubborn fat exists and where diet and exercise haven't helped. If you are a healthy weight, eat well, and live an active lifestyle, but still have some areas where fat persists, this treatment might be the answer. It also works very well as a treatment for those who have recently had surgery. For instance, Evolve Tite can decrease swelling and tighten the skin, helping you look and feel your best. Another application, lymphatic massage, helps promote drainage, helping your body in removing the damaged fat cells after they've been destroyed. This can accelerate the results of the Evolve treatment, helping you look and feel better, more quickly. Do Evolve Trim, Tite, and Tone Hurt? During the procedure, you may experience mild suctioning or a warming sensation, but Evolve treatments are not painful. This is because they are entirely non-invasive and don't require any major or minor surgical element. What Aftercare for Evolve Trim, Tite, and Tone Is There? There is typically no downtime or recovery period required following Evolve Trim, Tite, and Tone sessions. You'll be able to go back to your regular routine right away — another reason why these treatments are so popular. There also aren't any restrictions on sun exposure following a session, as there are with many other skin treatments. Some people may experience minor bruising or soreness following a treatment, but this is typically minor and doesn't last long. What Areas Do Evolve Trim, Tite, and Tone Treat? Many different parts of the body can benefit from Evolve body contouring treatments. Some of the most common areas of treatment are: Stomach Thighs Buttocks Arms Upper back Love handles How Long Does Treatment Take? The length of a typical treatment depends on the area being treated. While larger areas may take more time, most treatments are quick. On average, each session is around 30 minutes in length, and we generally recommend 2 to 6 treatments for optimum results. Think Evolve Trim, Tite, and Tone is for you? Contact one of our skilled aestheticians at Skintique to book your first appointment today! Please call 647-554-2052 or contact us online .
24 May, 2022
Botox® 101: Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know
17 May, 2022
Lumeca: The Transformation You Are Looking For
25 Apr, 2022
Let's Turn Back Time With a Forma Facial
24 Mar, 2022
Diolaze Hair Removal: Everything you Need to Know
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