Beautiful You

Fractional Resurfacing


Our Fractional Resurfacing Services

Skin imperfections and discoloration can be a source of anxiety and even embarrassment for our clients. We understand how skin issues may affect self-esteem and result in a lack of confidence, compounded with failed attempts with other treatments to correct them.

With Skintique’s Fractional Resurfacing Facial treatments, the appearance of sun damage, acne scarring, skin pigmentation, fine lines, and wrinkles diminish, restoring the skin to its original, smooth complexion. It is a non-invasive treatment with minimal discomfort and reputable results. 


Our expertly-trained technicians ensure your comfort throughout your facial, providing an inviting and relaxing environment while enjoying your Fractional Resurfacing Facial.

So, if you are ready to begin your skin’s transformation and are looking for a reputable medical spa in downtown Toronto, contact Skintique today!

About this Service

With fractional resurfacing treatment, a laser device delivers precise micro-beams of laser light into the skin’s deeper layers, creating narrow columns of tissue coagulation. It stimulates a natural restoration process that triggers the growth of new healthy skin tissue. The treatment effectively repairs aging or damaged skin cells to give you a vibrant and youthful glow.

Consider fractional resurfacing for non-invasive anti-aging treatment in Toronto to restore your skin. The procedure is safe on the face, neck, chest, arms, and legs. It involves minimal discomfort, virtually no downtime, and delivers lasting results. Connect with the Skintique team to learn more about this treatment and how it can revitalize your skin and your self-esteem. 


Your First Time

Our clients' number one question about Fractional Resurfacing treatment is whether it will hurt. You will likely experience mild discomfort during the procedure, but most patients find it very tolerable. Therefore, all our treatment packages begin with an initial consultation to ensure that you are a good candidate for Fractional Resurfacing and, if necessary, administer a patch test.

A laser device passes over your skin, and a cooling system activates during the treatment, targeting the relevant area to minimize discomfort. Sometimes a topical anesthetic may be applied to offer additional relief. Sessions can last anywhere from 10 to 60 minutes, and we recommend multiple treatments to achieve optimal results.

You may experience minor redness, swelling, and warmth following the treatment, but this should subside within a few days. There is virtually no downtime required with Fractional Resurfacing, and results can last up to a year!


We schedule an initial consultation to ensure our clients are candidates for the desired treatment. Client safety and comfort are our top priorities.


Sit back and relax! Our expert technicians will do everything possible to make you feel comfortable and at ease throughout the treatment. 


We provide you with essential after-care tips and will answer any questions you might have. Our goal is to help you achieve the best possible results.

Gain Your

Confidence Back


We Keep You


When it comes to your body– especially your skin– it is common to have questions and uncertainties when exploring potential treatment options. At Skintique, we believe that a clear understanding of our treatments results in higher customer satisfaction. So whether you are curious about reducing stretch marks, correcting facial wrinkles, or scar removal in Toronto, our team is here to help.


We receive many questions about Fractional Resurfacing treatments and have compiled some of the most common, along with our responses. If you don't find the answer to your question, please feel free to reach out to us.

  • How is the laser used, and will it hurt?

    Our technicians will apply a gliding gel to the treatment area so that the handheld laser device slides smoothly across your skin during treatment. Then, your technician will gently pass the laser over the skin. The number of passes depends on the degree of correction needed and your proposed treatment schedule.


    Most of our clients experience very mild discomfort during the procedure. A topical anesthetic will be applied beforehand to reduce further irritation. It is important to note that everyone has a different pain tolerance, and some skin areas are more sensitive than others.

    If you have any concerns, please discuss them with your technician. We will listen and endeavour to make you comfortable and at ease. 


  • What can I expect for recovery?

    One of the best parts about Fractional Resurfacing is the minimal downtime required post-treatment. However, we recommend that clients avoid sun exposure as much as possible for the month following the procedure to ensure the best results. Using a moisturizing sunscreen with an SPF of at least 50 is also recommended.


    Everyone reacts to this treatment differently, but it is common to experience minor swelling, redness, and warmth in the treated area for 1-3 days following the procedure. Flaking of the skin can also occur due to the regenerative process and be remedied easily with a quality moisturizing cream.

  • Can fractional resurfacing be used to treat acne scars?

    Yes! Fractional Resurfacing stimulates the growth of new collagen in the skin’s tissue. This regeneration process works to reduce the appearance of acne scars. Unfortunately, most people who experience acne have some degree of residual scarring. The technology behind Fractional Resurfacing offers an effective way to reduce the scar’s appearance.


    You might not be a good candidate for Fractional Resurfacing if you have active acne, very wrinkled skin, or a darker skin tone. Schedule an initial consultation to explore this treatment and other potential options with one of our experienced technicians. 

    Skintique is proud to be a leading provider of acne scar treatment in Toronto, but we also offer other complimentary skincare services, including radio frequency facials in Toronto.

  • What are the potential side effects?

    Fractional Resurfacing treatment is tolerated and well received by most patients. However, everyone does react to the procedure differently, and some side effects, such as the following, may be experienced.

    • Excessive skin flaking, peeling or crusting
    • Swelling for an extended period (up to one week) 
    • Post-inflammatory pigmentation
    • Temporary discoloration of the skin that follows injury which more often occurs in patients with darker skin types 
    • Acneform eruptions (herpes simplex, cold sores)

     All of these symptoms are treatable, and our skincare team will help minimize any discomfort you have and reduce recovery time.


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