Intense Pulse Light

IPL Treatment

IPL Treatment

Our IPL Treatments

Over the years, our skin can become susceptible to damage and sensitivity from sun exposure, environmental pollutants, and other irritants. As a result, it can lead to early signs of aging, hyperpigmentation, scarring, and other impurities that diminish your skin's condition and make you appear older than you are.

While several clinically backed treatment options improve surface texture and skin clarity, Intense Pulsed Laser (IPL) therapy, also known as a Photofacial, is a unique state-of-the-art solution that offers stunning results with minimal to no downtime.

In as little as one treatment, clients experience significant improvements in the appearance of hyperpigmentation, dark spots, rosacea, vascular lesions, and age spots with minor discomfort.

Schedule your free consultation with Skintique to learn more about our custom IPL Photofacial and how to maximize your transformation with our exclusive treatment for skin tightening in Toronto!

About this Service

While the Skintique IPL Photofacial is similar to other laser treatments, notable differences may appeal to your skincare goals. They include:


  • Laser treatments deliver one wavelength of light into the skin, while IPL utilizes several light wavelengths, which are less concentrated and more scattered.
  • IPL penetrates deep into the dermis while protecting your skin's epidermis causing minor damage following your treatments.
  • IPL causes pigmented skin cells to absorb the wavelengths of light before converting it into heat, ultimately destroying the unwanted pigment in the skin and targeting hair follicles to prevent unwanted hair growth.


To learn more about the science behind the IPL Photofacial and other anti aging treatments in Toronto. Our Skintique technicians are happy to help you make the best choice for your skin transformation goals.


Your First Time

Upon arriving at your IPL Photofacial appointment at Skintique, we will guide you into a private treatment room and welcome you to relax on a comfortable spa chair. Your Skintique technician will then gently cleanse the treatment area before providing you with covers for your eyes to protect your vision throughout the light therapy process. A topical numbing cream may also be applied to the treatment area upon request to ensure your comfort and pain-free experience throughout your appointment.

Using an innovative, handheld device, the expertly trained technician will gently move the tool over the skin as it emits several wavelengths of light. These will penetrate the dermis to heat your skin cells, causing them to break down before eliminating them from the body. The sensation of this therapy is similar to an elastic band hitting the skin. Your appointment will last anywhere from 20 – 45 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area. Improvements in the colour and radiance of your skin will be visible within 1 – 2 weeks following your appointment. 


Your technician will gently cleanse the treatment area to remove dirt and built-up oils from the skin. We provide you with eye shields to protect your vision as we document pre-treatment photos.


Your medical skincare professional will utilize an innovative laser device that emits a strategic light therapy, targeting discoloration, scarring, wrinkles, spider veins, stretch marks, etc.


After your treatment, you will experience slight irritation, redness, and swelling. These symptoms will subside within a few hours, and you can return to your routine with little to no downtime.

Gain Your

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We Keep You


At Skintique, we believe our clients deserve to feel well-informed and confident about our treatments and services. So we’ve created a list of frequently asked questions you may have regarding our innovative IPL pigmentation treatment near you. We want you to feel confident before booking your free consultation with us.

However, if you do not see your question answered here, please get in touch with a member of the Skintique team for more information. We would be more than happy to speak with you at any time. 

  • What areas can I treat with IPL?

    Skintique dedicates itself to providing an exceptional menu of clinically-based treatments and services that exceed our client's aesthetic goals. The Skintique IPL Photofacial in Toronto is a valuable tool for rejuvenation. With this revolutionary treatment, clients can target the following areas for smoother, youthful-looking skin:

    • Face
    • Neck
    • Legs
    • Hands
    • Arms
    • Hands
    • Feet
    • Decolletage

    Improve the look of your skin and schedule your appointment for our IPL Photofacial in Toronto today with the professional and friendly team at Skintique!

  • Are there any pre-appointment instructions?

    To ensure you come prepared for your IPL Photofacial appointment, please take note of the following pre-appointment instructions designed for optimal results:

    • Avoid direct sun exposure for a minimum of one month before your appointment.
    • Inform your skincare professional about any medications you may be taking during your free consultation, including if you have taken Accutane in the last six months.
    • Do not tan for a minimum of one month before your scheduled appointment.
    • Wear loose, comfortable clothing on the day of your treatment.
    • Do not wear makeup or skincare products to your appointment.
    • Avoid alcohol for 48 hours before your treatment.
  • How many IPL treatments do I need to see results?

    At Skintique, we are committed to customizing a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and aesthetic desires. 

    Once we meet with you for your free consultation, we can determine how many treatments you require to achieve your desired results. Most clients need anywhere from 4 to 6 treatments; however, the number may vary based on skin tone and condition. 

    Please note that IPL treatments are most effective when booked four weeks apart to ensure the treatment area fully heals before undergoing another session.

  • What aftercare instructions should I follow?

    Following your Skintique IPL treatment, it’s essential that clients take note of and adhere to the following aftercare instructions to ensure they heal fully and results are optimal. They include:

    • After your treatment, your skin will feel warm and appear red, like a sunburn and alleviated with a cool compress.
    • Avoid direct sunlight for a minimum of two weeks after your treatment.
    • If you are required to be outside, apply an SPF to the treatment area at all times.
    • Sleep on clean sheets with your head elevated for the first 48 hours.

    Please note that hyperpigmentation in and around the treatment area will appear darker during the healing process but will subside. If you have questions between your sessions, please do not hesitate to speak with one of our technicians.


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